Blogger - AVCOSD

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  • 0 Why?

    5.00 of 1 votes

    As I awoke this morning(1/29) I noted how wet and cold the weather has become. This almost makes me think that somehow I've been transported back to New York, where I spent my youth. I have been watching the weather with much concern. This is the third ib a series of storms that are passing through our region. I'm concerned that my fellow veterans that choose to stay out doors, due to whatever reason that is(PTSD, Resistance to authority or what ever) might not fare as well as those of us that have moved indoors. There is an organization in San Diego, Veterans for Peace, that when I was homeless I became involved with. There wer many a night we would hit the streets and find veterans living on the streets. Please understand, I know the reasons for being on the streets are as many as there are veterans, however with the latest series of storms to blow through our area, I urge my veteran brothers to  find shelter and get indoors where it is warm and safe.

  • 0 In The Beginning

    0.00 of 0 votes

    This is my first entry into my blog. With this Blog I will endeavor to encourage, uplift and help my fellow veterans. I found myself homeless at the end of 2010 through nobodies fault but my own. If it hadn't been for certain veteran groups that helped me focused, I found myself in the warm weather shelter that opens every October that is run by VVSD. While I was there my doctor at the VA diagnosed me with hydrocephalus(a condition where I had fluid on my brain and had to have a shunt place under the skin on my head). While I was recuperating from that surgery, the social worker thay had assigned to me asked me where I lived, I replied, 'The warm weather shelter in Point Loma. She then assigned me to Interfaith community services Recuperative Care in Escondido. When I was discharged I was put in a cab and was taken to Escondido, Interfaith Recuperative care. While I was there, I had decided that I would never be homeless again. I had applied to social security Disablilty. I had to wait aproximalty one year, but by following the advice of the people put in place over me and by NOT doing as I wanted, I was eventually awarded my  SSDI. There is one footn note that I should add, one day as I was going to get on the bus to got to the Library, I tripped and hit my head, at the time I didn't think too much too much of it. However friends had noticed that my personality was changing. I had a seizure. So back to the VA I went, after a CAT scan it was discovered that I had a blood clot on my fronal lobe and if it hadn't been caught and removed I would have died.

  • 0 family Relations

    4.50 of 2 votes

    Have you experienced multiple relationships? Did you know it was because of your PTSD?

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