0 In The Beginning
- V.A. - Mental Health
- by Brian Keon
- 01.27.2021
This is my first entry into my blog. With this Blog I will endeavor to encourage, uplift and help my fellow veterans. I found myself homeless at the end of 2010 through nobodies fault but my own. If it hadn't been for certain veteran groups that helped me focused, I found myself in the warm weather shelter that opens every October that is run by VVSD.
While I was there my doctor at the VA diagnosed me with hydrocephalus(a condition where I had fluid on my brain and had to have a shunt place under the skin on my head). While I was recuperating from that surgery, the social worker thay had assigned to me asked me where I lived, I replied, 'The warm weather shelter in Point Loma. She then assigned me to Interfaith community services Recuperative Care in Escondido. When I was discharged I was put in a cab and was taken to Escondido, Interfaith Recuperative care.
While I was there, I had decided that I would never be homeless again. I had applied to social security Disablilty. I had to wait aproximalty one year, but by following the advice of the people put in place over me and by NOT doing as I wanted, I was eventually awarded my SSDI.
There is one footn note that I should add, one day as I was going to get on the bus to got to the Library, I tripped and hit my head, at the time I didn't think too much too much of it. However friends had noticed that my personality was changing. I had a seizure. So back to the VA I went, after a CAT scan it was discovered that I had a blood clot on my fronal lobe and if it hadn't been caught and removed I would have died.